University of Atlantia

Teaching at University

Thank you for your interest in teaching at an upcoming University session.

Currently accepting class proposals for:

Session #117, Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore on September 21, 2024

Deadline for TRACK proposals is August 3, 2024.
Deadline for INDIVIDUAL CLASS proposals is August 19, 2024

Session #117b, Kingdom of Atlantia on September 22, 2024

Deadline for TRACK proposals is August 3, 2024.
Deadline for INDIVIDUAL CLASS proposals is August 19, 2024

Please read the following before submitting class or track proposals for the University of Atlantia.

General Information:

Proposal Format:

The following information is required for in-person or online classes and can be filled out on the website. If you choose to email your class proposal, please still include the following information:


Criteria for University Approval of Classes:

Requirements for Teachers at In-Person Sessions:

Requirements for Teachers at Online Sessions:

* For any historical combat classes that will actually engage in free-assault, sparring, or any form of competitive use of the arts or practice weapons, there must be a warranted MoL to check authorizations and warranted marshals for safety.