University of Atlantia


The University of Atlantia is dedicated to the advancement of teaching in the Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA, Inc. Degrees presented by the University of Atlantia are not awards of the Society for Creative Anachronism or any of its branches and do not convey SCA precedence. We are therefore pleased to be able to offer degrees to qualifying students and faculty across the Knowne World.

There are two to three University sessions each year. If you are interested in hosting a University, please refer to our bid guidelines.

For more details on teaching classes, check out the page on Teaching at University.



Lunch Menu

Fall University of Atlantia September 21, 2024

Fundraiser benefits the Canton of Tear Sea’s Shore and University of Atlantia

Please order ahead and pay on site. That helps us know how much to make and is greatly appreciated! Lunch is $10.

Vegetarian, and gluten-free options are available ONLY if you order through the google form.

Order Here:

Menu: Pasty, fresh vegetables, cheese, cookie


Beef & Pork- ground beef, pork sausage, cream cheese, shredded cheese, spices (powder fort), shortcrust pastry dough

Turkey- same as the Beef & Pork pasty but made with ground turkey instead

Vegetarian- potato, carrot, rutabaga, onion, marjoram, thyme, white pepper, black pepper, salt, cornstarch, vegetable broth, olive oil


Fresh vegetables-

carrots and celery






For those planning to attend the upcoming Fall session of the University of Atlantia, greetings from Dame Deirdre O’Siodhachain, Chancellor of the University.

I would like to remind everyone that pre-registration for classes ends Wednesday, September 18 at midnight. You DO NOT have to pre-register for in-person classes, although it is a great help to instructors to know how many students to be prepared for. You DO have to pre-register for online classes. Only students whose classes have been cancelled after the deadline will be able to register for another class with the assistance of University staff.

There is no charge for attending in-person University. However, we do ask for donations at the door. If you cannot afford a donation, come anyway. Donations can only be made in cash or check made out to the Canton of Tear’s-Sea Shore. There is no cost for online University.  If there is a fee associated with your class, it is paid directly to the instructor.

The University of Atlantia is funded entirely by donations and fundraisers. Tear-Sea’s Shore will be holding a bake sale in the morning. There will be a $10 lunch available for up to 75 people. The menu will take into account a variety of dietary needs. Please sign up via the Google form when posted on Atlantian social media. Local options for food service are limited. If you are not planning on the offered lunch, consider bringing your own food.

The University Bookstore will be on site and offer a variety of items for purchase with all proceeds going back to fund the University. The bookstore can only accept cash or checks made out to the Canton of Tear’s-Sea Shore. Separately, the Buck-A-Book Box fundraiser for the Kingdom A&S Festival will be on site. This is sponsored by the Minister of Arts and Sciences and not run by the University.

This is an open-air University. While there are sufficient chairs and tables for class areas, if you have a camp chair, consider bringing it as more comfortable in the circumstances.

Schedule for in-person University on Saturday, September 21:

7:30 AM – site opens. The Canton would appreciate extra hands to set up pavilions.

9:00 AM -- Registration desk opens. Pre-registered students and instructors may pick up their class materials. Pre-registered students may make changes to their schedules and all others may sign up for open classes.

10:30 AM – Start of classes.

12:00 PM – Lunch.

1:00 PM – Convocation. University announcements and awarding of degrees.

1:30 PM – Classes resume.

5:20 PM – End of classes.

5:30 PM – Closing of University registration area and site take down. The Canton would appreciate assistance in clearing the class pavilions.

8:30 PM – Site closes.


Due to the rain at Pennsic and Hurricane Debby, we are extending the deadline for class submissions to Saturday, August 17. Full announcements will be posted soon. YIS, Deirdre O’Siodhachain

Upcoming Sessions:

University Session #117 - September 21, 2024 - Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore

Harleyville Community Center & American Legion Post 128
163 S. Railroad Ave. & 138 John St.
Harleyville, SC29448
Google Map Directions
Event Flyer

University Session #117b - September 22, 2024 to September 23, 2024 - Kingdom of Atlantia (online)

Search Classes

You can now search all previous and current university classes by keyword.

Upcoming Sessions:

Session #117
Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore
September 21, 2024

Full Classes:
- Lattice Braid of Iron Age Finland

- The Art of Woad


- Landknecht and Trossfrau Fashions
- Court Presentation for Event Stewards and other Non-Heralds

Session #117b (online)
Kingdom of Atlantia
September 22, 2024September 23, 2024

Full Classes:

1012 - Yet Forget Not, That I Am an Ass: Conducting Ethical Research and Documentation
703 - Exchequer 101
705 - How to Improve Your Next Event
712 - Letting Down Her Hair: Women in Fairytale and Folklore
803 - Exchequer 201 - Exchequer Quarterly Forms
806 - Understanding Dances from Goguryeo to Joseon Kingdom (Korea)
903 - Exchequer 301 - Events and Event Reporting
907 - The Book of the Dead: Roadmap to the Egyptian Underworld
911 - Melee Techniques for Two-Person to Ten-Person Teams
912 - Bloody Minds and Hard Hearts: Women's Work in Old Norse Literature

